


Another Monday More Miniatures

Today I want to focus on an aspect of the miniature market that is often over looked. Well, you can find plenty of examples of this, Hero Clix, but few artist seem to embrace genre. Super heroes! We’ll be going back to the old format, focusing on a theme rather than on specific people. For those of you who are comics fans you may feel that there aren’t a lot of options for your when it comes to minis, to an extent that would be true.

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It's That Time Again: Miniature Monday

It’s that time of the week again. What time? Miniature Monday. For those of you who are new to the site Miniature Monday is a chance to start the week off right. That is, if your definition of right is to look at high-quality painted minis. When that isn’t the case and you enjoy the fantasy, gaming (pen and paper, tabletop, and even some video games), or genre appropriate films you may still have something to look at.

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Are You Ready for a Holwing Goodtime?

Well, it looks like it’s time for another “feast your eyes on these” moments here on WT and this week we’re in for a real treat. 40K style (mostly). Need I say more? Maybe I do. Miniature Monday is a chance to see work from truly talented artists. Each mini is selected for its accuracy and attention to detail. That’s what I call the WoW effect. It stands for Works of WoW, for those of you who hate recursive acronyms this one will really bug you.

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Miniature Mayhem Monday

Celebrating minis on Monday. Let’s start the week off right with some miniature mayhem! Today is the first entry in what I hope to make into a feature of WT. To start things off right let’s get things rolling with some fantasy minis! These minis have been painted for maximum effect bringing the characters, creatures, and environment to life. Enjoy your Monday! Aleguzzler Mancrusher Gargant Sons of Behemat Gloomspite Gitzs Warhammer by Juanlurockerman

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Tides of War

When I started WT I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted the site to be about: miniatures, RPGs, war gaming, and the fantasy fandom. Basically, it was to be a site dedicated to all of the things which I enjoy. So in that context you can see this as a personal website. Though, I really don’t intend to get very personal. This has also been a long time coming.

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